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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between principals’ supervisory behaviors and teachers’ job satisfaction in secondary schools in Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos state. More specifically the study determined the principals’ leadership style(s) and its effect on teachers’ motivation in terms of achievement, competency, status, personal worth, and self-realization in private secondary schools. The findings of this study are expected to benefit among others, principals and teachers as well as other stakeholders who will get first-hand information on relationship between principals’ supervisory behaviors and teachers’ job satisfaction. Additionally, the general public will increase their knowledge and understand the role of effective school supervision on teachers’ job performance and satisfaction. It will also benefit other researchers who would want to carry out research on similar topics. Relevant research questions and hypotheses were answered and tested in the study with appropriate objectives stated. The survey research design was used to conduct the research because it involved the collection of data from a large number of respondents within a limited time. Questionnaire was designed by the researcher and validated by the supervisor, for the collection of data from a total of 100 respondents consisting of 50 male and 50 female teachers selected from the population with the use of simple random sampling method. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage and frequency distribution tables, while the hypotheses were tested with chi-square (X2) statistical tool to ascertain their acceptability or otherwise. The result of the study shows among others that: motivation could lead to increment in teachers’ productivity, and that supervisory behaviours were capable of influencing ways of motivating teachers to enhance their productivity. It also showed that principals’ attitude of not considering teachers’ suggestions in decision making made teachers lose interest in their job. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should seek ways to improve job satisfaction of teachers in the middle of their teaching profession by improving working conditions and giving them more opportunities for training. Principals should be able to work with others to implant the vision into the structures and processes of the school. They should be able to communicate the vision to the staff of what their schools should become. Necessary recommendations that teachers should be well paid at all levels of the educational system to help them improve upon their productivity levels by giving their best to students were made at the conclusion of the study. However, some likely implications of the study were equally highlighted

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